Evan Louie

The personal website of Evan Louie; developer, designer, photographer, fashionista, and drinker of beer.

There are several ways to compile your TypeScript projects nowadays. You can use a vanilla call to tsc to just convert everything to .js files, or you can use a build tool like webpack and use a TypeScript loader like ts-loader or Babels @babel/preset-typescript

Hosts redirects are the most efficient way to block unwanted network traffic; they essentially tell your OS to a system level redirect from the targeted host (eg. ) and redirect the request to whatever you want to (ie. to have it short, `` or ``). But sadly, editing and maintaining...

Azure Pipelines gives you free access to Mac, Linux, and Windows VMs for all your CI/CD needs. This is incredibly useful if you want to automated the deployment/release of Electron applications (I personally use Electron Forge).