Google Closure Compiler Quickstart

A basic quickstart for using Google’s Closure Compiler usage with ES6/Node projects.

Google Closure Compiler

The compiler has a lot of knobs you can turn, go to the wiki for more details:

# Will run MUCH faster on Linux/OSX as a native binary will be installed by default.
# The installer will choose which installation type is best for your machine (native, JS, Java)
yarn global add google-closure-compiler

Common Options

Arg Explanation
module_resolution NODE specifies Node modules resolution rules (use both ./ and node_module lookup)
js Glob patterns to add files for Closure to know about; we add modules package.json files so closure can understand the module structure when importing
dependency_mode STRICT will only include files which are either included in entry_point or are included in an import of entry_point or an import thereof
entry_point The top level files which the compiler should use as entry points; give context for what code is actually going to see the outside world
create_source_map If present, a source map will be generated to the path provided
process_common_js_modules If present, will process Node.js require()/module.export/exports statements; By default, only supports goog.require/goog.provide and ES6 import/export
externs JS files which outline environment functions that your code calls which will be available at runtime but not during compile (eg. you have a <script> which imports jQuery), so $ will be globally available when script runs, but not during compile time.
generate_exports If present, will parse for @export in JSDocs (/** @export */) and will export the member

Simple Compile

The simplest usage of the GCC is to just do a simple build. ie, build compile all of your JS into a single file.

This can actually be more error prone than more advanced compilations because it attempts to compile ALL the JS passed to it.

google-closure-compiler \
  --module_resolution=NODE \
  --process_common_js_modules \
  --js='node_modules/**/package.json' \
  --js='**.js' \
  --create_source_map="" \
  > out.js

Module Level Tree-Shaking

You can enable module level tree shaking on by setting dependency_mode to STRICT and specifying one or more entry_points.

google-closure-compiler \
  --module_resolution=NODE \
  --process_common_js_modules \
  --dependency_mode=STRICT \
  --entry_point="main.js" \
  --js='node_modules/**/package.json' \
  --js='**.js' \
  --create_source_map="" \
  > out.js

Advanced Mode (Whole Program Optimization)

By setting --compilation_level to ADVANCED we get the strongest benefit of the Closure compiler. Whole program optimization and dead code elimination, this will allow the compiler to remove in-module level code which is never used throughout your codes life as well as remove code without any effects; thereby actually vastly improving the performance of large code bases.

google-closure-compiler \
  --module_resolution=NODE \
  --process_common_js_modules \
  --compilation_level=ADVANCED \
  --js='node_modules/**/package.json' \
  --js='**.js' \
  --create_source_map="" \
  > out.js

Production Build (Module Tree-Shaking & Advanced Mode)

dependency_mode=STRICT and compilation_level=ADVANCED are not actually disjoint, you can use them individually but this actually raises the chances for compile errors for ADVANCED mode as there will be many more modules for the compiler will try and optimize for, some of which may actually conflict with code that you actually want.

eg. ./node_modules/immutable/contrib/cursor/index.js:35: ERROR - Failed to load module "../../" var Immutable = require('../../'); will be thrown if you have immutable@^4.0.0-rc.12 in your node_modules and don’t have --dependency_mode=STRICT set. But will compile fine in STRICT mode due to that file never actually being imported in the exported files of immutable.

google-closure-compiler \
  --module_resolution=NODE \
  --process_common_js_modules \
  --compilation_level=ADVANCED \
  --dependency_mode=STRICT \
  --entry_point="main.js" \
  --js='node_modules/**/package.json' \
  --js='**.js' \
  --create_source_map="" \
  > out.js

Exposing functions (JS Interop)

Easiest & Cleanest

Bind to a global variable using string literals; As Closure never touches string literals, doing dictionary bindings on global objects will export the function as expected.

NodeJS - Bind to this

This method seems to be undocumented and I only discovered it by playing around.

const myFunction = () => {
  console.log("I do something");
const anotherFunction = () => {
  console.log("I do more!");
this["myFunction"] = myFunction;
this["anotherFunction"] = anotherFunction;

When compiled in ADVANCED, the outputted JS, when require()‘d will return an object with myFunction and anotherFunction keys; Both with the expected functions.

Browser - Bind to window

If you are compiling for the browser, the simplest way is to just bind to window instead of this

Official & Unclear

The officially documented way to export members is to use JSDoc to annotate a member with /** @export */ and set --generate_exports on the compiler.

When the compiler parses this, it will translate this to goog.exportProperty() calls; this does mean you need have google-closure-library code available to the compiler at compile time.

yarn add google-closure-library

With that in your node_modules, make sure the code is imported in your --js options past to the compiler.

Now which ever members are annotated with the @export JSDoc, will get bound in the format of <memberName>$$module$path$to$script. For example, main.js in root will end up being myFunction$$module$main, lib/foobar.js will be myFunction$module$lib$foobar.

Use require() to expose libraries

It is not possible to @export members imported via ES6 import. To do so, you should bind the lib to variable using Node require().

/** @export */
const immutable = require("immutable");


const immutable = require("immutable");
this["immutable"] = immutable;

Evan Louie

Evan is software developer who likes to eat, drink, and code. When he's not at the gym or just being lazy, he's usally coding something stupid in an attempt to either break the internet or just make it a little less broken. Evan is currently working as a Open Source Software Engineer at Microsoft on the Open Source West team.

evanlouie evanlouie
